Weeks 1-2: Short vowel sounds
Weeks 3-4: Long vowel sound
Week 5: Keeping -y when adding -ing
Week 6: Double consonants at the end
Week 7: Finding small words within compound words
Week 8: Double final consonant when adding -ing
Week 9: Drop the -e when adding -ing
Week 10: Different sounds -y makes
Week 11: Words that end with -e and have a long sound
Week 12: Words that end with -e and have a short sound
Week 13: Changing words from singular to plural
Week 14: Add, delete, change letter clusters to make new words
Week 15: Understanding prefix meanings
Week 16: Understanding suffix meanings
Week 17: Words with 3 consonant clusters
Week 18: Use reading parts to help solve new words
Week 19: Words with suffix -ed
Week 20: Words with suffix -er and -est
Week 21: Breaking words into syllables
Week 22: Add -r or -st to words that end in silent -e
Week 23: Homophones
Week 24: Homographs
Week 25: Consonant Digraphs
Week 26: Turning nouns into possessive nouns
Week 27: Contractions
Week 28: Spelling patterns when changing from singular to plural
Week 29: Words with two vowels together
Week 30: Synonyms
Week 31: Antonyms
Week 32: Past tense words
Week 33-35: Words that end in consonant clusters
Week 36:Making verbs into nouns by adding -sion
* This method of teaching spelling goes way beyond the traditional approach of assigning the same list of words to every student, having them memorize the words, taking a test, and then moving on.
* With these lessons and the framework for each week of learning (as described on the next few pages) you will find this spelling instruction much different than the traditional weekly spelling units!!
***Please note: Several of these lessons are the same as other grades. There are also several lessons that have been changed to meet the specific needs of 2nd graders. Because I followed a continuum of learning as researched by Irene Fountas and Gay Sue Pinnell, several of the lessons are taught in more than one grade.
Your Instructor
Jen is a Literacy Collaborative Coordinator and Curriculum Writer with with over 13 years experience in education. She provides professional development for teachers around the world, offering free webinars, complete online courses, school and district trainings, and free Facebook Live trainings.